Thursday, November 17, 2011

What a weekend!!

A fun FILLED weekend 

Friday we were able to see one of my best friends from high school, Lauren. Her husband and her recently bought a home and I was delighted to get to see it, Lauren, and her beautiful little girl McKenna!! Lauren has done a wonderful job decorating and getting her home together in just a few months!! I told her I was a bit jealous! :) I've been in our house for almost two years and I'm still working on getting it to together! :)

Tyler and McKenna

                                                     McKenna and Carson

Friday night my uncle, his wife, and son came over for dinner. It was great seeing all of them!! They recently moved to DC from England. (My uncle is in the air force) It was great catching up with all of them! The last time we saw them Carson was 3 months old and the time before that I wasn't even married yet. My cousin Bailey is 11 and Carson thought he was wonderful!! He LOVED playing with him!! Bailey did a great job working with Carson on his level and showing him how to play with his legos and play golf. It was a great night!!

We were able to spend time with Jason's parents and my parents! Of course they all love cuddling with Tyler and playing with Carson!!

Glammy and Grandpa

Big man turned 7 months while we were up there! 

Our family with Jason's grandparents! 

My mom, cousin Zachary, and Carson playing in the leaves 

Aunt Elisha and the boys 

Nana and the boys 

On the way back we were able to visit my good friend Nellie. She just had a beautiful baby Gaines. It was wonderful seeing baby Gaines and Nellie. Even though it was a short visit, I'm so glad we were able to stop!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Carrots anyone??

Today I was cutting up carrots for a soup recipe and this sparked a conversation about Baxter: 

Carson: "Baxter likes carrots.
Me: Yes, he did. You're right,
Carson: I like them too!
Me: Oh you do?
Carson: Yes, can I have one?
Me: Sure
Carson: Maybe you can go get Baxter and he can have a carrot.
Me: How would I do that?
Carson: Oh, you can go to heaven and get him. You can pick him up and then he will be all better. He won't be sick any more.
Me: I wish I could Carson. I would like that.
Carson: Me too!

Oh the simple mind of a three year old. If it were only that easy!! We miss you Baxter!!