Friday, March 29, 2013

Beach Life...

Look who we found in Ft. Lauderdale! Auntie Elisha!

We started off Carson's Spring Break with a short trip to the beach. Since we live a minimum of 45 mins to the beach, we try to go at least once a month. We are also making a point of trying out all the different beaches since there are so many here to choose from. This time we went down to Fort Lauderdale. We drove down Friday afternoon and came back Sunday afternoon. It was a great little weekend away. We have actually had some cooler weather here this week, so we were lucky to have nice, warm weather while were there!

Life's a piece of cake

I made my second "for someone" cake yesterday since moving to Orlando. It was for a surprise party for a friend of mine. Luckily I went to the party so I got to taste the cake too, which doesn't happen very often. :) Unfortunately I may have just open a can of worms by making the cake...several mommies seemed rather excited to know I that could make cakes! Not that I don't love doing cakes, it's just time consuming and these days I don't have a ton of free time. :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sew What?

For Christmas my mother-in-law bought me a sewing machine and taught me the basics of sewing. I had never touched a machine before let alone sewn anything! Over Christmas she helped me make a couple of pillows and some valances for my bathroom. Since then I have made more pillows but that's as far as I had gotten...until this week! A good friend of mine from bible study. Melanie makes a lot of clothes for her boys so naturally I asked her for help.

Chevron is the newest "it" fabric so I of course wanted to make the boys matching shorts! (No one told me that Chevron was probably not the fabric to start with!) She lent me her favorite go-to shorts pattern. She sat down with me and helped me cut the fabric and then piece it together. Having someone explain what to do is so much more helpful than reading pattern directions on your own! Although we didn't get to finish the shorts making process while she was over, what we got through was extremely helpful! After that I had the confidence to make four more pairs for shorts for the boys!! It was great!! Now I have to pace myself and remind myself that the boys don't need all handmade elastic waste shorts!! :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How sweet

It doesn't get much sweeter than when my boys get along!! Friday we walked to the library after getting hair cuts and they walked hand in hand the whole time! Tyler would not hold me hand at all but would not let Carson's go!! It melted my heart!

Sunday night after dinner we rented "Wreck It Ralph" and the boys cozied up with Jason! It was so sweet! They sat together until Tyler wanted to go to bed. Carson stayed laying with Jason even after Tyler went to bed! Sweet boys!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nats Game

This weekend we decided to take advantage of living in Florida and being Washington Nationals fans. The Nats do spring training about an hour away from us, near Cocoa Beach. We took the boys to their first Spring Training game Saturday afternoon. We had high expectations when we bought the seats. In reality we should have just purchased the cheaper high up bleacher seats because that is where we ended up going so they could run around!! Overall, we had a great time but Tyler is probably a but too young to actually sit and watch a game. We lasted about 4 innings, which wasn't too bad! :) On our way out, Carson even got a foul ball! He was SO excited!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I know that I have not been very good about blogging lately! I really don't have a good excuse! I have been a bit busy with the boys and volunteering. I coordinated a big event at Carson's school last week. While planning it the director and the teachers told me, "the kids look forward to this event all year," no pressure at all to make it good!! 

It was called "Bikefest." 
It's a morning full of fun for the kids (and parents who come to help).  The students bring their bikes to school and they participate in 7 different "bike" stations over the course of 3 hours. We had a bike wash, a decorating station, bike ramps, a "speedway," we had bike doctors, a hotwheels racing station, and also a train for the kids to ride on. Jason even took off the morning to help out and volunteer. He was helping out at the ramp station. His job was to help/push the kids up and over the ramps so they didn't get stuck.