Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tyler 8 months

Carson 8 months 

Tyler 8 months

 My Baby is 8 months old!! I can't believe it!! I feel like he has changed so much in the past month! He now crawls (on his knees, finally), he can pull himself up into the standing position, he has said "hi" and "mama" but he won't say them on command (he will say "ba-ba-ba"), and he has his two bottom teeth! I'm not sure how much he weighs but my guess is 23-24 pounds. He is now wearing 12-18 month clothing. It's crazy how fast he is growing!!


Look at me, I'm standing!! 

Tyler's new face! Cute huh? ha!! 

I'm crawling machine!! Watch out!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Baby (or babies)

Tyler Baby 2011

Baby Carson... December 2008

Wow... it's amazing to compare pictures like these! You can tell these boys are brothers!! We are so blessed to these two wonderful boys as our children!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Headed South

Well... it's that time again... time to house hunt! Jason starts his new job on Wednesday, YES, Wednesday!! I can't believe it!! He drove down to Orlando this morning. He will need a car down there since he will be working downtown but he won't be living down town. This week also worked out to be the best week for me to go down there and go house hunting again. Instead of flying down with two children (by myself), we decided that Carson should take a road trip and ride with Jason and I could fly with Tyler Tuesday morning. We will spend the week looking at houses, figuring out the area(s) we like best, and looking at preschools for Carson. We will all fly back to Charlotte Friday night. Jason will spend the weekend with us and then head back to Orlando Sunday night. It's all very exciting!!