The summer days are sometimes long, especially when Jason is traveling. Now that I have two very active little boys I need to start thinking with my teacher brain!! I have all the "Stuff," I need to start using more of it. Carson has always loved painting and creating "stuff" so I thought I would see if Tyler liked it as well. A few weeks ago I pulled out the water colors and some coloring book pages and let the boys have some painting fun. Tyler did surprisingly well!! He tried to eat the paint at the beginning but once he realized mommy keeps saying "no," he stopped. It was a great way to spend 30 mins before dinner.
Painting with water colors
After working with water colors I decided to move onto some canvases! Carson painted some pictures for us when we moved into our other house in Charlotte for the playroom. (He was 19 months old.) We had an empty wall in the hall by the boys' bedrooms so I thought I would have them paint some more canvases to help decorate the house. I bought 6 - 6x6 square canvases. I had the boys paint two each. Once those dried I had them make a hand print over one of their paintings and then a footprint on the other. I then made a photo canvas of each of the kids while they painted. So on the wall I have a photo of each of the boys painting and then under each picture and hand and foot print. (Sorry I didn't take a picture of this yet!) Both boys had so much fun painting!Tyler was so mad when I started cleaning him up! I guess we need to work painting into our schedules every week!