Thursday, April 12, 2012

Someone is turning one!

So tomorrow Tyler turns 1! Of course his first birthday has to be Friday the 13th, that's lucky right? I cannot believe it has been one year since our beautiful-happy boy came into our lives.  He was LATE and mommy was so UNCOMFORTABLE! I tried almost every old wives tale and nothing worked! So once again, I was induced.

Before Tyler was born I remember worrying that I could not love someone as much as I loved Carson. Jason reassured me that my heart would just grow bigger and that my love for Carson would not get any smaller. One year later I can say without a doubt, he was right! I love both of my boys so much, motherhood it is amazing!

Here are some month by month pictures of tyler...I don't feel like he has changed THAT much. The biggest change is his hair color. He was born with dark brown almost black hair, now it is VERY blonde!

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