Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter weekend as a family. Saturday morning we went to Sea World and then spent the rest of the day hanging out as a family. Sunday we spent the morning together, went to church and then had a backyard picnic. After naps we invited some neighbors over for an egg hunt and then we had a nice Easter dinner as a family.

I thought I would share some pictures of the last 4 Easter's with you. It's amazing how fast the time has gone by!! 

                                Easter 2009-Carson                                


Easter 2011

Tyler's first Easter. He was just over a week old!! :)

Easter 2012 

Blast from the past.... one thing that is nice about having two boys... they can share clothes!  I always get emotional when I see Tyler wearing an outfit Carson "just wore!" Here are a few pictures from Easter two different years but the same outfit! 

Carson- Easter 2010 (18months)  Tyler- Easter 2012 (11.5 months) 

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